Author Guidelines

1. General Guide of Manuscript

Manuscript format could be sent in doc, docx or rtf file format. Submitted manuscript accepted for publication or even published elsewhere is unacceptable and will not be published in Jurnal Analit. Manuscripts that is revision or elaboration of seminar, symposium, and workshop manuscripts could be published in Analit by mentioning such things while submitting them. Manuscript sent to Jurnal Analit must be free plagiarism (similarity < 25%).

Author is also necessary to send document in relation to Publishing Agreement form that has been signed (scan copy from filled, original form) together with manuscript that will be sent online (supplementary file). File of Publishing Agreement form could be downloaded template.

2. Manuscripts types

Manuscripts published by the journal present research, article reviews, or case studies that have not been published in other scientific journals and are not being considered for publication in other journals. If a manuscript has been presented at a conference, please include the name, location, and date of the conference in a footnote.

3. Language

The author is required to prepare the manuscript in the English or Indonesian version.

4. Format

  1. Manuscripts consist of Title, Authors’ names, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if needed), Notation (if needed), and References.
  2. Type your manuscript using Microsoft Word 6.0 or higher on A4 paper (210 mm × 297 mm). The manuscript should be single-spaced, with the main text using times new roman font of 12 points. The abstract, table label, and figure label must use times new roman font of 11 points.
  3. Font-size guidelines for every part of the manuscript are explained in more detail in the journal template.
  4. The paper page should be set with a left margin of 3 cm, a right margin of 2.5 cm, a top margin of 3.3 cm, and a bottom margin of 2.5 cm. In the title section, the author’s name and affiliation and the abstract must be typed in one column with the rest of the paper must be typed in two columns with a distance between columns of 1 cm. From the Introduction through to the References, the manuscript must be in one column.
  5. The use of SI units is expected. Chemical and mathematical equations should be numbered as follows: (1), (2), etc.
  6. Manuscrpt template could be downloaded

5. Manuscript Requirements

Title. The title should be no more than 15 words, be clear and informative. It must be typed with a 14-point times new roman font—in a bold times new roman font.

Author’s name. The author’s name (or authors’ names) should be written out fully without a title, accompanied by the name and the address of the institution at which each author works as well as his or her email address.

Please note that all author name and their email should be entry during submission of the manuscript to make sure the authors name appear in the online of list of contents when the paper published. 

Abstract. The abstract should be written in Indonesian and English and should not exceed 200 words. An abstract is a summary of the manuscript that provides a concise description of the research and its results without stating the author’s opinions.

Keywords. Keywords should be written in Indonesian and English, with as many as five terms listed below the abstract.

Figures, Graphs, and Tables should be numbered in order of appearance in the manuscript and should be submitted in a form ready to be printed. Every figure should be briefly labeled below the figure, and every table should be briefly labeled above the table. Figures that consist of photos should be submitted in their original form. If a figure or table is cited, the source should be given in accordance with the corresponding entry in the list of references. Tables should be single-spaced, and no vertical lines should be used. Each figure should be no larger than 10 cm × 15 cm. 1. Please make sure it has good quality, with pixel density larger than 250 dpi.

References. Authors should use recent sources; sources published within the last five years should constitute at least 80% of the references. In-text citations to works given in the reference list should give, within parentheses, the name of the first author and the year of publication. If a work has more than two authors, the format should be as follows: (Ahmad et al., 1999). If a work has two authors, both names should be given: (Leder and Bruno, 2000). The corresponding entry in the list of references should give the names of all authors. Each title should be given in its entirety. Reference list entries should be arranged alphabetically by the last names of the first authors.

A reference list entry for a book should be written as follows: (nama. (tahun). Judul buku. Edisi. Kota. Penerbit)

Contoh : Mitchell, T.R., & Larson, J.R. (1987). People in organizations: An introduction to organizational behavior (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

A reference list entry for a scientific journal should be written as follows: (nama. (tahun). Judul jurnal. Nama jurnal, Volume dan Nomor jurnal. Halaman. doi).

Contoh : Wiskunde, B., Arslan, M., Fischer, P., Nowak, L., Van den Berg, O., Coetzee, L., Juárez, U., Riyaziyyat, E., Wang, C., Zhang, I., Li, P., Yang, R., Kumar, B., Xu, A., Martinez, R., McIntosh, V., Ibáñez, L. M., Mäkinen, G., Virtanen, E., Kovács, A. (2019). Indie pop rocks mathematics: Twenty One Pilots, Nicolas Bourbaki, and the empty set. Journal of Improbable Mathematics, 27(1), 1935-1968.

Authors are strongly encouraged to use Mendeley software to to further enhance the quality of reference writing.

6. Manuscript Submission

Manuscript to be published by the Journal of Analit must be registered online through the journal website Please make sure you log in first to continue the process of submitting articles.

To avoid delays in article processing, please make sure to entry the name and email address of all author and the phone number of corresponding author.